Tuesday, July 27, 2010

"...We eat like priests."

It is becoming difficult for me to wake up in the morning... I'm having to roll out of the bed. Sad... I know. We put on our gnarly-bro swim gear and we headed out to the 'windy' beach called Guincho where the surfers come to surf. We arrived and parked the car with the other locals, and walked through what seemed like a desert to get to a good place to hang out for the morning. I already liked this beach better. There was no large amount of children running around and the waves were really, really large and in charge. We parked it on the sand and hung out under the sun for awhile until it was pretty steamy, and then... then we were able to hop in the water. This time the water was just as cold, if not colder, but this time there was also an exception: fun waves to play in! So, that meant... I was goin' in. No matter what. I wanted to feel like a semi-surfer for one day. Minus the wetsuit and the board and the bronzed skin... but close enough.

The tide was strong and we ended up staying for a long enough time and then it was our sizzling skin that let us know that it was time to head out. So we went back, and immediately jumped into the pool to wash off the extremely sticky sand. After feeling slightly cleaner, we went inside to order some Pizza Hut pizza. American food company in Europe? Around the that time Luana and I walked for a little bit and arriving back home was a brand new flat screen TV being installed by the boys and the pizza waiting for our munching. Which is what we did. We flipped through channels like it had never happened and ate a good amount of pizza.

With our bellies being full and the couch being available a sporadic nap came about. This nap accidentally led me into what is called as evening time though and that's when I got ahold of myself and got decent for our outing to Cascais which is another little sub-part of the Lisbon area. The sunburn was starting to take effect at this point, I could feel it. But, we got onto the train again and this time it was packed full of Portguese friends... even one lady asked me what time it was and I definitely just smiled back at her. At the last stop of the train we made it to Cascais and started to walk around the true bay area that was filled with many fisherman's boats and little tourist hot spots. There was a book fair going on, really intriguing statues that mirrored common day people, and other little hidden spots that Luey was able to lead us to. We walked around the outside of a castle and walked down a dirt road to see a landscape filled with overly sized rocks.

This part of town was so natural looking, which also made it naturally fancier. The houses were bigger and the cars were all similar, but it definitely was beautiful. We walked around to all this cool places and eventually made it over to meet Luana for dinner. While waiting we were able to see this guy attempt to water color this portrait of a girl, and while doing so he had on dark shaded sunglasses and was smoking a cigarette... poor girl.. As Luana walked towards us we went to this restaurant that Luiz had been looking forward to for a bit, due to the fact that it was a perfect place for men.

There was a buffet for those who didn't want to eat/choose between 14 different varieties of meat... that would be me. But, for everyone else, it was perfect! I went to the buffet and spotted salmon and I got overly excited, but I grabbed it before I grabbed the salad which I had wanted to eat first. So, I walked back over to our table and that is when the boys had switched the color red side of the cube to the color green which signaled for the meat to start being displayed to them. When the waiters would come around with a shish-kabob stick with one specific meat, they were able to tell them whether they wanted a slice of it or not... and eventually they would try multiple meats and get full from it.

There were some special kinds of meats and names that went with these meats, but the most interesting one (and maybe most disturbing) was this tiny little thing that once Jeff tried it, Luiz announced that it was a chicken's heart......... Oh my word... But, that is common and the two natives didn't find anything peculiar about it. So we finished up the assortment of foods that was served, and instantly as we stood up we felt the weight in which our stomach's contained... there would be no dessert tonight.

The night ended by once again crashing on the couch and viewing the moving "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" or as they know it, "Choven Almôndegas." It was good, except that all of us were hot from the heat and that didn't mix well with the comfortable couch and the full tummies...

Tão cheio o tempo todo.

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