Monday, July 5, 2010

Suitcases are Packed

Tomorrow at 4:30 Texas time, Luiz Baptista (my manfriend) and I will be boarding onto an international flight to Europe.
This flight is taking us to his home(s) of Nice, France & Lisbon, Portugal for an entire month.
A month to be by the ocean, eating fresh fish, going for runs, praising Jesus...

This opportunity sprung up back during March. At first, I thought it was some sort of silly "oh, would you wanna come and spend.. oh maybe just a month in Europe with me and my family" type of joke, but it's happening. Tomorrow! Tomorrow, this joke will lose it's laughter! (Sort of)

I'm excited to go over knowing only how to say hello in their languages, and fortunately for me... smiling and laughter is known by all tongues.
I'm excited to learn about other cultures and see how they develop and what is the root behind the country.
I'm excited to not have obligations to things, places, or people. I can nap. I can read. I can sing. I can jump. Doesn't really matter because... there are no plans to do anything, except "be".
I'm excited to see Luiz be around his family and see what shaped him into who he is today.
I'm excited to worship Jesus in such an intimate way.

Europe is going to be a dream.
A dream that I get to live out.

My goal for this blog is to put all my friends and family into this adventurous dream of mine and keep y'all updated on each exciting day.

Au revoir!