Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bon Appétit

Two days meshed into one. Deal.

Yesterday (July 17th) we woke up and went to the bright blue sea to soak in the last couple of days left in front of this gigantic body of water. The sun was blazing hot and there was only a few spare minutes between laying on the lounge chair and floating in the chilly water. After absorbing more sun rays we packed up our bags that were now full of neat looking rocks and walked on back to the apartment to eat lunch. Yesterday's lunch was straight from and definitely attributed to Forrest Gump. We could've lived off these shrimp for many meals because they were so large! We decided that it was these shrimps time to go.. they couldn't handle life anymore without a brain or a heart. So, we'll eat 'em!

After eating our weight in shrimp and salmon plus a treat of fresh fruit, Luiz and I sat on the couch to continue on with what had become an addicting routine of flying through Gilmore Girls episodes to get to the finish. Still hanging out in our swimsuits from earlier in the day, we crashed right there on the couch for a good solid, impromptu nap.

When I woke up with wet hair and still wearing my damp beach clothes, I was severely confused at what had just happened. That's when I pulled it together to walk around to the mall with the other females of the house. I left their company pretty quickly so I could go make sure Luiz was awake and we could go scout out some good gifts that we had been putting off until the last minute. That meant... TO THE MARKET! Goodies were found and purchased, and I realized everything I bought was either some vintage design or I decided to go with the rocks from the beach.

After successfully filling our bags with stuff, we headed back up the large stairs, across the trains' tracks, and straight into the apartment for now... it was dinner time. Luana, Luiz, and I went on a very precise mission to find a little shop that carried panini's, because that is what was being craved by 4 mouths. Winners! We found just the right place and we had them heated up and paid for them to go sit and stayed seated until the last episode of Gilmore Girls ever in the history of Gilmore Girls showed on the television screen. Then, we hit the sack.


Le Day of July 18th:

This festive morning that so happened to be the morning of Lucia Baptista's 52th birthday, I was woken up by Baba Luey singing "good morning... gooooood mornin'!" but slipping in his own made up lyrics to the song continuously until my eyes proved that I was awake. After having to count to 5 multiple times to get myself out of bed, we all headed down to our (for real now) regular spot. Smack dab in the front of the Mediterranean. Do ya blame us for makin' it a second home?!

Another morning that the sun proved that it was more powerful than us, we were able to take up shade at the beach's right on shore restaurant for Mama Lucia's birthday. There was going to be an eating celebration. For her, and for our bellies! Luana and I ordered a lemonade, and literally the concept of what even a 'lemonade' is had to be broken into little parts and explained... and the results... a glass of half squeezed fresh lemon juice, many packets of sugar, and some water to dilute it. France will always be "fresh." Preparing our bellies, especially mine, for the underwater treat of Lobster, they brought us the claw and the extra napkins. This was going to be a meal I enjoyed. What I truly needed was one of those large bibs. Only in America I assume...

I should've named the poor guy. He needs a name!

After wiping my hands off with a moist towelette, dessert was still to come and this time I had my coffee as a part of my dessert. Two birds with one stone. It was simply delightful... and I can assure you that by this point, my belly was full and digesting therefore a nap sounded like music to my ears. So, there's no denying that desire... we then went back and napped.

Having to send Luana off to the airport so should could return to her home in Portugal, we weren't too sad because well... we'll see her tomorrow when we arrive at her place in Lisbon, Portugal! We woke up and absorbed each others company (ole' Lu and I) and we talked and walked down to the shaded pavilion area in front of the blue sea so we could say our final goodbye's to the massive, blue body of salt water.

You were good to us Mister Med.

The night ended with heating up some quiches and taking it easy, well... sorta... we had to figure out my packing dilemma for our flight to Portugal, but once solved, our minds were at ease and the day came to an end.

Adieu la France, je vais vous manquer!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the perfect way to end your visit to Nice! Packing dilemma? YOU! No WAY!

    I love and miss you!
